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Welcome to Rocket Pool University

The Rocket Pool community invites you to browse our course list. If there is an area of study that interests you, simply click on the course to begin.

Courses are Free!

Choose a course and read the material. Each course will indicate the difficulty and/or likely time commitment involved.

Course Credit

Connect and sign in with a digital wallet. Pass the quizzes for the course (passing requirements are listed in the course description). You get four chances to pass each quiz.

Certificate of Completion

Once all quizzes in the course are passed, you will get a Certificate of Completion in the form of a POAP. POAPs are not just NFTs that signal your accomplishment, they can (and will) be used for things such as raffles*!

*To be alerted to raffles, you will need to be in the Rocket Pool discord or following @DrDoofusMDPhD on X
Funded by the Rocket Pool DAO
© 2023 Rocket Pool University